Recent Projects and Photos by Ri's Rinse

Ri's rinse , heavy equipment cleaning in Paris On.

Heavy equipment cleaning was the service requested in Paris Ontario. This past week had given us a load of rain which had the construction site and equipment covered in mud. After such a week of hard work it was time for maintenance, for that the machine had […]

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Window cleaning and Gutters

This job come from a call we got from a pair of new home owners ! They were told that the job had been done before they moved in, but when our last Thunderstorm hit it proved different. By providing our services of Window cleaning and […]

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Cobwebs and Windows in Oshweken, Six Nations

Today we preformed a window cleaning job for a business on Six Nations , there main concern was getting rid of the spiders and cobwebs. It didn't take our team long to have this property cleaned and ready for customers at a moments notice ! Thank […]

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Surface cleaning in Brant county

Whether its your Sidewalk, Front Entrance, Concrete pad or Oil spilled and you need a Driveway washing to remove those un-attractive stains. Stay on top of your property by getting it quoted and Cleaned today. #surfacecleaning #Parisontario #powerwash Location: Paris, ON […]

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Canvas cleaning, Store front wash. Paris Ontario

Algae and Mold growing on your Canvas or store front ?! Give us a call at Ri's Rinse for a Storefront washing ! prevent bad algae and dirty looks if your in the Paris area reach out to have your property quoted and cleaned before your […]

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Gutter, eavestroph cleaning Paris Ontario

The job today wasn't a complete house washing, but rather gutter and window cleaning. The reason for this requested service was preventive maintenance on the clients property so that snow and ice would not build up and produce an unsafe environment. ~Ri's Rinse~ located in Paris Ontario Location: Paris, […]

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New Construction, Structure Wash

Commercial pressure washing was the service requested , in Woodstock Ontario. structural steel beams were to be washed on the weekend in order for the company to move forward with closing the project. Great opportunity and a wonderful success ! Location: Woodstock, ON […]

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Power Washing Near Me

Throw back to one of our first Commercial pressure washing jobs, in Caledonia Ontario. Windows were a main concern when our client had first reached out, they wanted them all washed and clean including the few on the very top of the building 5 stories up. […]

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Tire marks on concrete

It was time for a party, a public gathering and the Driveway was a disaster! with urgency the home owner contacted Ri's Rinse for a driveway washing. The driveway was white concrete covered in thick mud and clay, with rubber tire marks all over. With ease […]

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Good Time to Clean

Half way threw August, we got a phone call from some neighborly farmers here in Paris Ontario. Heavy equipment cleaning is the service that was requested, they needed a mobile wash company to come and clean there tractor and trailer before sending it into the shop […]

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Top quaility Deck Cleaning in Paris Ontario

This project we had the honor of cleaning this 2500 square foot deck in Paris Ontario , we managed to handle this Task with ease. The confidence in our cleaning made the home owner feel comfortable with his decision in having Ri's Rinse maintain then decks […]

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Patio cleaning in Paris, ON

A clean set of stairs make for Safe travels, with power washing in mind this client reached out to us at Ri's Rinse and requested a patio cleaning in Paris Ontario. The service applied would further prevent the algae from returning and have the property looking […]

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Buying or Selling in Paris Ontario

While the day was made out for house washing , We had a potential customer approach us and ask if we would wash the inside of his barn with that we got the information we needed to go ahead and give them a quote. They were […]

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Top Quality Power Washing Service in Paris

On this project, we had an unusual request of power washing indoors. Alarmed by the request at first I thought no way is that a good idea, further more we got a chance to see what was needed and too my surprise it was an indoor […]

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Long weekend Patio cleaning

Prior to the long weekend showing up, We received many calls for our Service Patio cleaning. This is one of the many we had the opportunity of cleaning, with the gathering of family and friends my Ancaster client requested that we also soft wash the patio […]

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